Instantly sync your expenses to Xero
Stop spending hours manually coding and syncing transactions made by employees. Use UAE's #1 corporate card and spend platform to automatically categorize, approve, and sync transactions in Xero!

Stay on top of finances with a lightning fast bank feed integration
- Get automatic bank feeds to sync transactions directly into Xero say goodbye to manual uploads.
- Sync your bank feed hourly, not daily. There’s no need to spend hours manually coding and syncing transactions made by employees.
- Gain an accurate, up-to-date picture of your business finances in real-time.
Sync expenses in an instant
- Automatically sync expenses and receipts on Alaan with Xero. Employees also receive automated reminders to upload missing expense receipts, so that you don’t have to.
- Automatically categorise each transaction. Map expense categories to Xero ledgers once and let the magic do the rest. No more backlog!
- Seamlessly sync complete expense descriptions as entered in Alaan in one click.

Map VAT codes with ease
- Automatically categorise each transaction. Map bill categories to Xero ledgers once and let the magic do the rest.
- Stay in control with custom accounting rules. Alaan will fill up accounting fields based on vendors.
If your company has expenses, Alaan is the solution for you
More control | More savings | More automation